Saturday, March 31, 2012

Eats, Shoots & Leaves

Title: Eats, Shoots & Leaves: Why, Commas Really DO Make a Difference!
Author: Lynne Truss
Illustrator: Bonnie Timmons
Non-Fiction #5

Let’s eat Grandpa. Let’s eat, Grandpa. Proper grammar can save a person’s life!

I absolutely adored this book! Being somewhat of a grammar girl myself, I found this book to be particularly funny but also important and educational. Each page (or set of pages) introduces the same sentence with and without a comma, or set of commas, that are necessary to the overall meaning of the sentence. Children are sure to find themselves laughing along the way as some of the sentences’ meanings are changed entirely simply by adding one comma. The illustrations in the book are also wonderful because they help add to the meaning of the book greatly as well as add to the humor of the book. I found myself laughing at the pictures more than anything throughout reading the story.

My favorite part of the book is the back pages that explain why each sentence needs the comma and why it is wrong without it. Though the terminology may be confusing for younger students, a discussion could be based on the different meanings of the sentences. Additionally, the importance of using commas to make sure what you’re saying is what you mean could/should be emphasized. With older students, each sentence could be given to them without any punctuation and they could try to find out or predict where the comma goes before seeing the correct version of it. I think this book would be great to use in any 3rd grade classroom or older and would be great reference to any student who is struggling with the use of commas. 

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